José Luis Navajo

José Luis Navajo es un contador de historias por excelencia. Posee la destreza natural de extraer de su “fábrica de palabras” los pensamientos más acertados e inspiradores para guiarnos en el reto de liderar. Su autoridad y su sabiduría se la confieren más de dos décadas de experiencia como líder, junto a una carrera literaria sin precedentes. Es un solicitado conferenciante internacional, distinguido por su habilidad de entretejer el tema del liderazgo con la vida misma. Es autor de más de diecisiete libros, muchos de ellos, éxitos de ventas. José Luis y su esposa, Gene, llevan 34 años casados, y tienen dos hijas: Querit y Miriam; y tres nietos: Emma, Ethan y Oliver. José Luis Navajo is a storyteller at its best. He owns the natural skill to bring out of his “word warehouse” the most accurate and inspiring thoughts to guide us into the leading challenge. His authority and wisdom comes from more than two decades of leadership experience along an unprecedented writing career. He is a sought-after international lecturer, with a unique ability to intertwine the leadership theme with life issues. He has published more than seventeen books, many of them, bestsellers. José Luis and his wife, Gene, have been married 34 years, and they have two daughters: Querit and Miriam; and three grandchildren: Emma, Ethan and Oliver.

Libros por José Luis Navajo

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